Leading the Charge in Product Passports for Net Zero

The Future Starts with our I-REC (HX) Hydrogen passport


Avance is the I-REC Accredited Code Manager for Hydrogen and Derivatives

Evidencing an environmentally responsible future by tracking and certifying hydrogen and hydrogen derivative fuels and products across your supply chains from cradle to cradle.

Contributing to a Global Industry Standard for Hydrogen

Depoliticize and simplify the complex world of hydrogen certification.

Track, aggregate, and certify attributes across the entire hydrogen supply chain to enable you to trade across borders, comply with local and international regulations, and enhance the bankability of your projects.  

Navigate the energy transition with confidence and ensure your products meet the highest global standards.

Solidify your commitment to an environmentally responsible future in an era where consumers ardently seek sustainability.

Avance Dashboard - Product Passport Mock 1-1
  • We cannot manage what we do not measure   •
  • 我們無法管理我們不測量的事物   •
  • Wir können nicht verwalten, was wir nicht messen   •
  • لن نتمكن من إدارة ما لا نستطيع قياسه   •
  • Nous ne pouvons pas gérer ce que nous ne mesurons pas   •
  • 측정할 수 없으면 관리할 수 없습니다   •
  • 測れないものは 管理出来ない    •

The Impact of the I-REC Ecosystem for Electricity on World Energy

Our Hydrogen Passport is Plugged into the Proven and Highly Successful I-REC Ecosystem



  • 150

    Countries in which I-REC (E) Certificates are redeemed

  • 48

    Countries in which I-REC (E) Certificates are issued

  • 200 TWh

    Electricity capacity certified annually


*Data is accurate as of 04/08/2023

Pioneering Change in Hydrogen Utilization

  • mdi_sitemap-outline

    Leveraging the International REC Attribute Standard

    Plugging into the proven and successful I-REC ecosystem and expanding the application of the international attribute standard to hydrogen and its derivatives.

  • mdi_handshake-outline

    Eliminating Information Asymmetry

    Introducing an evidentiary product-level carbon accounting system, that adheres to the highest standards of independence and transparency.

  • mdi_solar-panel

    Enabling Cross-border

    Fostering deeper engagement between industry stakeholders over terms of trade and managing offtake risks created by regulatory changes in emerging hydrogen markets.

Our Services


    Hydrogen Passport

    Pioneering a globally recognized system for tracking, aggregating and certifying attributes of hydrogen and hydrogen derivative fuels and products across the entire product lifecycle, which adapts to evolving market regulations and evidences greenhouse (GHG) emissions reduction.


    Quantitative Performance indicators

    Introducing machine learning data analytic tools for benchmarking (projects, technologies, and applications), lifecycle assessment, demand aggregation, and project risk management.

    Coming soon

The ME2X Accelerator SVG LogoAccelerator

We have taken the initiative to form a nonprofit platform to deepen engagement among industry stakeholders over terms of hydrogen trade and create an equitable distribution of value across the emerging hydrogen supply chain. 

We believe that in any new energy paradigm, consumers should have a seat at the table and play a role in shaping the future of energy.

  • Industry Forum
  • Model Hydrogen Contract
  • Global Regulatory Database
  • Universal Carbon ID Database
  • Technology Development

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